2003-2004 RTB Series C  # 7
Royal Victoria Yacht Club
Race Date: 14 Mar 2004
Div Elapsed Corrected Time *
Rank Boat Name Sail No. Rating Time Time Time Behind
PHRF 1 * Time Behind is Sec / Hour
PHRF Time on Time Start Time 10:20
1 Shameless     899 124 10:57:05 00:37:05 00:35:46
2 thisonesnotcindas    1152 124 10:57:49 00:37:49 00:36:28 70
3 Kaitoa   33759 97 10:56:35 00:36:35 00:36:45 99
4 Fetish   29741 152 11:05:25 00:45:25 00:42:03 632
5 NVS   29745 155 11:08:28 00:48:28 00:44:41 897
6 Remedy     184 132 11:15:34 00:55:34 00:52:58 1,731
PHRF2 * Time Behind is Sec / Hour
PHRF Time on Time Start Time 10:25
1 Hotspur     108 174 11:14:53 00:49:53 00:44:47
2 Still life    5548 156 11:14:58 00:49:58 00:46:00 98
3 Overdraft   29921 169 11:16:44 00:51:44 00:46:46 159
4 Gator    3378 183 11:21:27 00:56:27 00:50:03 423
5 Nemesis   18819 168 11:29:39 01:04:39 00:58:32 1,105
One Design
1 Sirrocco    1140
Cal 20
One Design
1 Clio     998
2 Kelsib   29373
3 Alga - Y     111
4 Troubadour     997
5 Rock n Roll     968
6 Windless     178
7 Brother Wind     162
8 Bluebird     911
9 Strait Shooter     183
10 Miss Scarlett     924
11 Calvin    1736
12 Tongariro     914
Questions?  Contact: Ross Benton  (metmanbenton@netscape.net)
Printed On: 28-Mar-2004 15:41:20 Number of boats Scored 24
Scoring Program by Quick Score - Phone Dan at 585-703-2963 or Email QuickScore@USSailing.net
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